Heritage Week, Craft Month, Fringe Festival and so much more

Heritage Week

If you weren’t aware August 12th-20th is Heritage Week and there are so many things to do all over Ireland and most of them if not all that I could see are free.

Loads of things on for children including historical walks, nature walks, making your own tile, stain glass and lots lots more.

I strongly encourage you to check out www.heritageweek.ie to see what is on close to you.

I have already visited the patchwork exhibit in the Botanic Gardens and it was simply stunning. A collaborative colleciton of dinner plate size beautful quilt, patchwork and embroidery creations from all across Europe. Definte themes of love, acceptance and nature running throughout. Well done to the patchwork guild for organising.

Also, looking forward to a bat walk in Glendalough. The weather may be questionable but I encourage all to get outside and enjoy what is on over as it is great for the body and mind.

Craft Month

If you are not around for Heritage Week then why not check out some events that are on offer as part of August Craft month. You can find out what is on close to you at www.augustcraftmonth.org.

Botanic Gardens and the Dublin Fringe Festival

Lastly if you can’t make any of the above, the Botanic Garden has an array of activities for adults and children on with dates out to September, including but not limited to a Dublin Fringe Festival event called The Garden of Shadows which promises to be fantastic. I went to a similar event last year as part of fringe and it was spellbinding. You can purchase tickets for any of the Dublin Fringe Festival events at www.fringefest.com.

Hugh Lane Gallery and IMMA

Finally, if all of the above doesn’t float your boat the Andy Warhol exhibition running from October 2023 to January 2024 at the Hugh Lane Gallery has just released tickets. It is 20 years since I last saw an Andy Warhol exhibition in IMMA which is also another great sport for interesting art, yoga, creative events. I am particularly looking forward to finding out more about the Earth Rising Event at IMMA, more information avialable from September 1st.


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