Eaton Square Garden flourishing
This year was one of the harder years for growers as climate change continues to have a serious impact on food production as well as the health and wellbeing of ecology in general.
The mild and wet summer did however work in our favour this year allowing many plants to establish themselves. The beds containing spring bulbs are now planted with perennial plants and shrubs that can be enjoyed for many months of the year and are very low maintenance. In addition, we worked on making sure that the plants planted were also pollinator friendly to improve the biodiversity of Eaton Square. The garden space is now teaming with life.
We always welcome anyone looking to grow and donate plants to the garden. See below just a very small selection of plants grown and donated to the garden.
Donated to the garden by Aisling
Grown from seed and donated to the garden by Muireann
Seed donated to the garden by the Kingfisher Project and grown by Anne
Seed donated to the garden by Niamh and grown by Muireann